Nature Guide Pia Jessen
The shortest way from nature to you
My name is Pia Jessen and I have a background as a kindergarten class leader, outdoor life and exercise consultant, nature therapist and local guide in Naturpark Vesterhavet. I use the outdoors a large part of my everyday life and for 25 years as a big part of my professional life.
It's not only in my professional life that the outdoors is important. It's a natural part of my everyday life, where I appreciate the diversity of nature on a daily basis, including nature conservation with Ertebølle and Spælsaufår sheep in scenic areas at the northern end of the North Sea Nature Park.
Nymindegab and Lønne is a unique nature area in the northern area of the North Sea Nature Park, where I would like to invite you to join "we and the sheep in nature" for a family trip, a quiet hike or a trip that is customised based on your wishes.