Medical aid during your holiday
In case you need a doctor or medicine during your stay - information about doctors and pharmacies in this area are available here.
You can get ill during your holiday, but help is available. You need to book an appointment at the doctor’s office or turn up and wait until a doctor is available. You need to pay for treatment and medicine and the amount payed will then be refunded, when you come home after your vacation.
Doctors in the Ringkøbing-Skjern area:
- Hvide Sande, Nørregade 66, +45 9731 1023
- Ringkøbing, Sundhedshuset, Reberbanen 30 A, Entrance C, +45 9732 3211
- Ringkøbing, Søibergsvej 24, +45 9774 3030
- Ringkøbing, Sundhedshuset, Nørredige 28, Entrance A, +45 9732 0118
- Skjern, Bredgade 22, +45 9735 0300
- Borris, Storegade 42, +45 9736 6027
- Tarm, Kirkegade 3, +45 9737 1066, +45 9735 0600
- Spjald, Østervænget 11, +45 9738 1600
- Videbæk, Ørnevej 9, +45 9717 1911
- Videbæk, Ørnevej 11, +45 9717 3340
- Vorgod, Solskrænten 1, +45 9694 3000
- Nr.Nebel, Torvet 1, +45 7528 8022
On weekdays between 4pm and 8am and during the weekend: CALL THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY SERVICES Region Midt ON +45 7011 3131
The areas Søndervig, Houvig and Lodberg Hede are referred to the doctors in Ringkøbing.
Doctors in the Varde area:
- Dit Lægehus i Blåvand, Horns Bjerge 4, +45 7030 5757
- Agerbæk, Skovgårdsvej 2, +45 7519 6211
- Ansager, Præstgårdvej 9, +45 7529 7377
- Oksbøl, Torvegade 17, +45 7527 1600
- Varde, Ringkøbingvej 38, +45 7522 3400
- Varde, Grydergade 5, +45 7522 1115
- Varde, Torvegade 16A, +45 7522 0622
- Varde, Sønderbro 1, +45 7522 3344
- Varde, Lundvej 39, +45 7522 0533
- Varde, Murtfeldts Plads 5, +45 7521 2200
- Ølgod, Vestergade 10, +457524 4411, +45 7524 4811, 7524 6699
On weekdays between 4pm and 8am and during the weekend: CALL THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY SERVICES Region Syd ON +45 7011 0707
ACUTE illness and accidents:
Choose the right kind of help - and get the right treatment.
YOU CAN’T, without an appointment with a doctor, go to the emergency room, so: in case of acute illness or an accident need a doctor you must:
On weekdays between 8am and 4pm: call a general practitioner or the medical emergency services, who will then decide whether you need a house call, go to the clinic, go to the emergency room, or be hospitalized.
On weekdays between 4pm and 8am and during the weekend: CALL THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY SERVICES Region Midt ON +45 7011 3131 or Region Syd ON + 45 7011 0707.
IN CASE OF SERIOUS accidents/life threatening situations: Call 112 for an ambulance.
Instructions for cardiac arrest
Grafik: www.hjertevagt.dk
Find your nearest pharmacy
We made a list of all pharmacies in this area, including addresses and phone numbers, so that they are easy to find, if necessary.
Over-the-counter medicine can be purchased in many supermarkets - and of course at the pharmacy - but if the doctor writes a prescription, the only place to collect the medicine is at the following pharmacies:
- Hvide Sande Apotekerudsalg: Metheasvej 1, 6960 Hvide Sande
- Ringkøbing Løve Apotek: Torvegade 5, 6950 Ringkøbing
- Søndervig Løve Apotek: Badevej 1, 6950 Ringkøbing
- Skjern Apotek: Bredgade 44, 6900 Skjern
- Tarm Apotek: Storegade 23, 6880 Tarm
- Videbæk Apotek: Bredgade 32, 6920 Videbæk
- Nørre Nebel Apotek: Bredgade 12, 6830 Nørre Nebel
- Varde Apotek: Vestergade 3, 6800 Varde
- Varde Østervold Apotek: Østervold 5, 6800 Varde
- Oksbøl Apotek: Vestergade 14, 6840 Oksbøl
- Ølgod Apotek: Torvet 4, 6870 Ølgod
Most pharmacies follow the opening hours of the towns, but their can be special opening hours, so remember to check those.