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Croquis for everyone - Draw from life model in JANUS - Vestjyllands Kunstmuseum

Join a croquis drawing session in the JANUS Building and learn how to transform your visual impressions into quick, fleeting sketches where hand and eye work together instinctively

In 2024, it will be 100 years since women gained full and equal access to the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Women had been admitted since 1908, but not where there was instruction in drawing from a nude model. It wasn't until 1924 that joint teaching was introduced in all parts of the academy's programme.

In collaboration with the Danish Society of Women Artists, we will celebrate this year with four croquis workshops in the JANUS Building. The dates are the 26th of May, 23rd of June, 25th of August and 15th of September from 13:00 to 16:00.

Croquis is the study of the naked human body as it appears in different poses and from different positions. In recent years, croquis has been used in connection with bachelorette parties, for example, focusing on the transgressive nature of looking at the naked body for people who are not used to croquis. To avoid this, the models in this workshop will be wearing underwear.

If you wish, there will be instruction from artist Kate Skjerning, but you are also welcome to just draw for yourself.

Participation is free with paid admission to the museum and registration is required to secure your place.
If there are excess spaces, it will be possible to attend on the day without prior registration.

Everyone is welcome to join us - whether you have drawn a little, a lot or not at all.