Enemærkets Hostahave
Visit the beautiful Enemærkes Hostahave just outside Ringkøbing. There is plenty of fresh air here, and it smells lovely from forests, flowers and plants. In the garden there is also a packed lunch house in lovely surroundings where you can enjoy your packed lunch and coffee.
The garden contains 1700 different hostas, which making it the largest collection in Northern Europe.
Family outings, birthdays, company trips, bus trips etc. can also be held in the garden. Yes, only your imagination sets the limits for what can be celebrated in the Enemærkes Hostahave.
You are always welcome to call or e-mail Enemærkes Hostahave and order coffee, as well as a story about the location.
Enemærken’s Hostahave also offers accommodation in the garden’s beautiful surroundings. You can stay overnight in a cosy, furnished room, and with the purchase of an admission, you can also use the visitor garden after closing time. You will have a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the garden's many special plants and enjoy its tranquillity.