‘Englekvinde ridder på havmandens ryg’ (‘Female Angle Riding the Back of a Merman’)
"Female Angel Riding the Back of a Merman" was created by the well-known Aarhus artist Hans Krull in 2013, and stands in the art park on the corner of Svinget and Storegade in Tarm. The sculpture is carved in wood, and lets the imagination tickle. Therefore, the idea behind it is that people themselves should form an image of the meaning of the sculpture.
‘Englekvinde ridder på havmandens ryg’ (‘Female Angle Riding the Back of a Merman’) from 2013 by Hans Krull which stands in Kunstpark on the corner of Svinget and Storegade in Tarm was moved there from Åboulevarden. The sculptor’s idea is that people make their own interpretation of what the sculpture is.
‘Storm P. once said that all art that can be easily interpreted is fishy; that’s why I hope that people look at this piece each in their own way.’ Hans Krull explains. He is fascinated by travelling; partly by travelling abroad, by traveling into one’s own imaginary world, and by the Grand Tour where you find out that things are very different from what you imagined. Hans Krull often dreams at night and when he wakes up he gets his sketchbook and transfers the dreams to paper. If you look very closely, this sculpture has five faces that ward from evil.