Laubjergs Rose Garden
The Oasis Behind the Dunes – during the best summer vacation, the sunny weather can turn into rain. Luckily, if you are in West Denmark, the area has many other experiences to offer than just beach trips.
Only 10-12 km from the West Danish coastline, three kilometers East from Ringkøbing, Laubjerg Rose Garden is situated – a gleam from another world. Here is a 10.000 square meters garden situated with more than 5000 roses.
On a great day during flowering season, you can easily take a walk of a few hours in the garden, especially if you want to take a close look and discuss color, shape and favourites with your company. You’ll easily get dizzy from the many impressions. Once you’ve smelled all the best roses, you’ll have pollen on your nose like a fine, English lady.
You’ll never be finished admiring the rose garden. Many guests visit several times during the season, some to follow the development of the garden, others to observe even more than they did the first time. But each meeting with the rose garden is a new experience, because the garden is always developing. If you come back after 14 days, some roses will flower more than last time, others less. The hedges might have a different tone than green, the light will be different, and you will not be the same person yourself.
These are the experiences that Laubjergs Rose Garden and Plant School offers. In this way, some days might be different – and better – in the Oasis Behind the Dunes.