Lønborg Heath
In the Western part of Denmark, you will find this beautiful heath. Lønborg Hede is preserved because of its wild and untouched nature. A great place for a day trip.
The great heath Lønborg Hede is located near Vostrup, just a few kilometres from the holiday resorts at Ringkøbing Fjord. Lønborg Hede is under conservation and offers spectacular nature experiences. You can see the heath from the dunes at the parking area at the end of Fjerbækvej, or you can go for a longer walk to enjoy the silence and birdsong. The flora is impressive, especially the large areas with cross-leaved heath. You can many places see old tyre tracks in the heather from the time, when peat was collected in the moors. Lønborg Hede is further unusual, since man never tried to cultivate the area. In fact, the landscape has in large looked the same for the past 70,000 years, since the end of the last ice age.