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Videbæk Church
The Church is clean-cut and whitewashed and has a red tiled roof; the churchis dated back to 1914. The interior of the church is simply decorated.The beautiful stained glass windows on the east wall of the choir was made by Knud Lollesgaard, Hørsholm. On the left side, Christmas themes have been pictured: the beams of the raising sun is like the roots of the tree of life with the Star of Bethlehem on the top. On the right side, themes of Pentecost have been pictured: from the beams of the Cross of Victory, the Holy Spirit(the dove) descends on the baptismal font or the Communion cup. The altar piece, representing the Resurrection of the Christ, is a copy of J.Skovgaard´s fresco at the Apostoles´Church, Copenhagen.