Cykelnetværk - KNUD - 2024  - Vesterhavet på cykel - Par i skoven

Discover the North Sea by bike

Photo: Goodwill Film

Discover the West Coast's most beautiful landscapes, visit charming towns and eateries, and create unforgettable memories on your next bike ride. We've gathered the best cycling-friendly day trips in a network of exciting experiences.

Welcome to the cycle network. Cykelnettet combines all the best cycle-friendly roads and trails from our glorious, green cycling country. Here you can cycle through beautiful Danish landscapes, past must-see attractions and cosy eateries. The cycle network is linked by numbered nodes. 
The nodes are not special in themselves, but indicate where roads meet and where you need to make a route choice. Turn or drive straight ahead to the next junction.

You use the numbered nodes to plan YOUR very own cycling adventure. An adventure that can offer surprising shortcuts, exciting back roads and wonderful detours throughout Denmark.

The cycle network is a digital solution.

Cykelnetværket_Vesterhavet_credit Goodwill FIlm - Familie på tur - Cykel

Denmark is an adventurous cycling country

Discover the new network

Photo: Goodwill Film

Enchanting tours in nature

When cycling along the North Sea, it's not about covering many kilometres, but about experiencing the unique gems that the area has to offer. From the nature mecca Skjern Enge to the historic Lyngvig Lighthouse in Hvide Sande and the fascinating red deer route in Vejers, the North Sea offers countless experiences that will make your cycling trip unforgettable.

Skjern Enge, located at the mouth of the Skjern River, is a true nature mecca for cycling enthusiasts. This vast wetland is home to a wealth of wildlife, and as you cycle along the winding paths, there are plenty of opportunities to spot rare bird species. The tranquil atmosphere of the meadows and the open landscape create a peaceful experience where you can truly unwind from the stresses of everyday life. With the many bird towers and viewing platforms, you can take your time to enjoy the beauty of nature and maybe even bring binoculars to get a closer look at the birdlife.

Lyngvig Lighthouse stands as a majestic guardian over the landscape. Built in 1906, the lighthouse offers impressive views of the North Sea and Ringkøbing Fjord. It's a great place to take a break on your bike ride, where you can take the many steps up to the top and be rewarded with a panoramic view that is nothing short of breathtaking. Hvide Sande itself, with its authentic charm as an old fishing village, invites you to take a pleasant stroll along the harbour, where you can enjoy the sight of the colourful fishing boats and perhaps sample some freshly caught seafood at one of the local restaurants.

The Krondyr route at Vejers winds its way through woodland and open spaces, where you can often be lucky enough to see large herds of Krondyr. These impressive animals, which can be seen up close, are a sight you won't soon forget. The route is well-marked and accessible to everyone, whether you're an experienced cyclist or just enjoy a relaxed ride in nature. Along the way, there are several places to stop and enjoy a picnic while listening to the sounds of nature and perhaps watching the red deer graze in the distance.

Cycling by the North Sea is not only for those chasing kilometres and speed, but for those seeking unique nature experiences and cultural impressions. From the rich wildlife of Skjern Meadows, to the historic views of Lyngvig Lighthouse, to the wild beauty of the red deer route in Vejers, the area offers a diversity of experiences that make every bike ride special. Whether you're a nature lover, a history enthusiast or just enjoy the tranquillity of the sea, cycling along the North Sea will be an experience you'll never forget.

Kort over ruter - Cykelnetværk 2024 - Version 2.0


Photo: VisitVesterhavet